Magazine Sales

Reload Customers Here

Sell America’s two favorite gun titles in your store — American Handgunner and GUNS Magazine!

You can count on customers returning regularly for the latest issues.

GUNS Magazine has been helping enthusiasts tell better gun stories since 1955. American Handgunner has delivered handgun content for everyday carry and weekend range visits since 1976.

Complete the form below and learn how much you’ll earn by selling these customer favorites in your store.

Magazine Sales Request

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The information you provide will be used to contact you about selling FMG titles only. It will not be shared or sold.

Order Terms

Sell one title or both ranging from $6.95 to $14.95 per issue
Your cost 50% discount per copy
Minimum order 10 copies
Auto renewal, U.S distribution only, Non-returnable.
No payment necessary at initial signup.
You will be contacted for credit card payment information.
Select number of American Handgunner copies per issue
(6 issues published per year)
Select number of GUNS Magazine copies per issue
(12 issues published per year)

FMG Magazine Finder

Let potential customers know where to find you.

If you'd like to be listed in the FMG Magazine Finder as an authorized magazine dealer, complete the two questions below.
Type of Business:
Check all that apply
Type of Service You Offer:
Check all that apply