Get All 12 Issues Of GUNS Magazine 2020 In PDF Format.
This order includes all 12 issues of GUNS Magazine in a PDF format. Each issue will download to your computer in a
separate PDF file.
Highlights Of 2020 Cover Stories
January 2020: Kahr Arms K9 25th Anniversary.
February 2020: TMT Tactical Glock Makeover.
March 2020: Springfield Armory M1A Tanker.
April 2020: Weatherby Mark V Backcountry 6.5 RPM.
May 2020: Henry .45-70 Side Gate Levergun Action.
June 2020: Colt Python.
July 2020: Springfield Armory XD-M Elite DSP.
August 2020: The Tippmann Armory Gatling 9mm Gun.
September 2020: Traditions Nitrofire Muzzleloader.
October 2020: Korth NXR .44 Magnum.
November 2020: Springfield Armory Saint Victor .380 Pistol.
December 2020: Dan Wesson Vigil CCO 9mm.
Each Issue will download as a separate file.
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