The less-tamed Wild West attracted the bold, the desperate and the occasional Renaissance man.
Inside you’ll discover extraordinary tales including that of a Tombstone, Ariz., physician who became the leading authority on treating gunshot wounds through plenty of experience. Some of his innovations are standard practice today.
You’ve likely heard the myth (or is it?) of quick-draw gunslingers fanning their single-action revolver hammers to fill the air with lead. Is “fanning” a made-for-movies fabrication, or was it a legitimate gunfighting skill? You may be surprised by the facts.
Speaking of quick shooting in the single-action world, in this issue, you learn the ins and outs and overall appeal of Cowboy Action Shooting.
Even into the cartridge ammunition era, many clung to the proven cap & ball revolver design. This issue takes an in-depth look at the famous Colt 1851 revolver.
Or, you can explore new guns, like Taylor’s .357 lever-action rifles and “Smoke Wagon” revolvers, a Chiappa 1887 shotgun, the all-fun Ruger Wrangler Birdshead rimfire and Marlin 1895 Trapper.
You will enjoy this edition of Old West: History, Guns & Gear. Sit back, read a story or three, and appreciate the comfy life we all enjoy now.
Here’s what’s inside:
DR. GEORGE GOODFELLOW, MD — Old West Renaissance Man.
A BABY RUSSIAN FOR SERIOUS POLICE WORK — Detective Delos ‘Yankee’ Bligh, Louisville, KY.
LOADS A MITE SLOW… — Modern Ammo For The Cap & Ball Sixgun.
FANNING THE FLAMES — Hollywood Lies Or Old West Lore?
TAYLOR’S & CO. — A Modern .357 Take On Old West Style.
BAT MASTERSON APPROVED — The Delightful Savage 1907.
BEYOND THE PEACEMAKER — The Other Old West “Belt Pistols”.
NOT TO BE MISSED — Ruger’s Birdshead Wrangler .22.
THE WOMEN OF SASS — Making The Wild West Look Good.
THE SHOOTER’S CASED COLT: — The 2nd Generation Colt 1851 Navy.
EMF/PIETTA .50 SMITH CARBINE REPLICA — Unique In Its Time And Fun Today.
157 YEARS LATE — The Final Shot Of The American Civil War.
SCATTERGUN TO TACK DRIVER — Rediscovering The .32-20.
LET LOOSE YOUR INNER JOHN WAYNE! — Cowboy Action Shooting 101.
157 YEARS LATE — The Final Shot Of The American Civil War.
HIGH-CAPACITY IN THE SIDE-BY-SIDE ERA — Chiappa’s Replica 1887 Winchester Shotgun.
CIMARRON S&W NO. 3 AMERICAN — Historically Accurate, Impeccably Crafted .45 Colt.
THE HOWDAH PISTOL — The Handheld Howitzer Counter-Tiger Gun.
THE TICKET FOR THICKETS — Marlin’s 1895 Trapper .45/70.
THE ORIGINAL ASSAULT RIFLE — Testing The Uberti Replica 1860 Henry Rifle.
SNAFU — Situation Normal All F(ou)led Up.
WHATEVER THE HECK THIS IS… — Perhaps An Ethan Allan One-Of-A-Kind?
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